Trade is an important aspect of any country and international trade allows for such endeavours. Though with trade, comes the problem of pest risks like plant pests and diseases. Pest risk management such as the use of sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) helps prevent or reduce risks. The SPS measures include all relevant decrees, laws, regulations, and requirements, including methods for inspection, testing, certification, and approval procedures necessary for materials during transport, directly related to food safety.


Implementation of pest risk management or phytosanitary requirements helps to enhance economic efficiency because they prevent production losses which can affect trade partners. Preventing a plant pest’s introduction costs less than dealing with the aftermath of an established plant pest or disease.


The role of pest risk management in trade was re-emphasized during the International Year of Plant Health. The key to coordinating pest risk management systems that allow for safe trade is open communication between all governing bodies and partners. The use of decision support tools are highlighted as one way to increase confidence in the efficiency of phytosanitary measures.


Pest risk management is a priority among the Caribbean countries as we trade many supplies intra-regionally. What affects one Caribbean country may impact another, as some plant pests and diseases can go undetected for long periods of time. Pest risk management protocols like phytosanitary measures would help mitigate the negative impacts of potential plant pests and diseases that try to enter the Caribbean region.


Read more from our sources below!


Agriculture and Food Economics – The impact of pest risk management measures on trade: the case of apples from France and Chile

IPPC – Pest Risk Analysis Awareness Materials

Research Gate – Pest Risk Management in Trade: The Opportunity from Using Integrated Combined Measures in a Systems Approach (ISPM 14)

World Trade Organization – The WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement)