Regional Workshop – Caring for the Health and Sanitation of Forests; Integrated Management of Forest Debarkers

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA) invite you to participate in the Regional Workshop Caring for the Health and Sanitation of Forests; Integrated Management of Forest Debarkers, whose objective seeks to transfer knowledge about the biology, monitoring, control and importance of bark stripper that affect forest ecosystems, in addition to knowing criteria on the measures for their management.

The Workshop is scheduled in two (2) work sessions on Friday, October 30 and November 6; from 9:00 am Mexico and Central America / 10:00 am Panama, Colombia and Ecuador / 11:00 am Dominican Republic, Bolivia / 12:00 Argentine meridian. The transmission as usual will be through the OIRSA YouTube channel for both sessions:


Registration is requested by all participants at:

Certificates of participation will be delivered to those who comply with the participation in both sessions and with a practical section, it will be announced at the time of registration.

